Welcome to all those who aspire for medical, Engineering, paramedical and other professional courses in reputed colleges and universities through Lucid Consultancy.
‘What to do next?’ where to apply?...such are the questions invariably posed to every student on completion of their plus2. Among the hundreds of institutions offering professional courses in the country, your choice institution may have their door closed with ‘ no seats available’ boards. When dreams dissolve into disappointments, when the expectations translate into anxiety, here is a door you can confidently knock at.
Lucid Consultancy greets you with the assurance that “you will get the seat for the desired seat in the desired college” when you channelize your efforts through us. For Lucid Consultancy is a great service providing organization in the higher educational sector whose influence on major professional institutions across the country has already helped thousands of student in realizing their dreams.
We have, over a period of 13 years developed good contact with all famous engineering colleges in India. Our service personal will interact with you and will understand all the aspects relevant to your admission and offer counseling accordingly. Either you can choose the college from the list we provide, or you can name the college where you seek admission. we will provide all the details such and the facilities available in those colleges and fees structure etc. So you will experience total satisfaction at the end of the session.
Let's Have a Chat!
Phone: +91 93635 32716
Visit Our Office
Lucid World
Ashok Nagar, Chennai